Broadloom carpet is the standard type of carpet used in commercial settings. It is made from Synthetic materials consisting of Nylon, Polyester, and Olefin fibres. All of our carpets meet all smoke and fire regulations which are different for each type of building. If you are unsure what type of carpet will meet the fire regulations for your premises, then get in contact with us and we will help you.
The preferred method of installation is to stick directly to sub floor. The main reason is so there is less chance of the carpet stretching due to chairs with wheel constantly sliding around. The other method is called Dual Bond Installation where you glue the underlay to the subfloor and then glue the carpet down to the underlay. The conventional method of installation where we first install an underlay, the carpet grip goes around the walls and the carpet is laid out over the top and stretched over the carpet ripper to make sure that it is nice and tight.
Broadloom Carpets
Here is a small sample of the carpets we have available for commercial use. Get in touch to see our full range.